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HES210: Cultural Aspects of Health and Illness (Sawyer)

This guide was designed to support students enrolled in HES, however, others conducting research might also find the content useful.

Project steps

1. Define the condition

  • The post should not be copied and pasted from another source.  It is important that the topic be explained in your own words since that shows you have given your topic some thought and have developed an understanding.  The more detail you provide the better.  What are the specific focal points of the topic that your group will be covering in the poster presentation?  
  • The definition needs to be supported by a reference entry found in Gale Virtual Reference Library (see link below), which will provide overview information about the topic and help with gaining a general understanding.  

2. Provide statistics

  • Search the open web for data related to the poster presentation topic using the Google statistics search format, (e.g. obesity~statistics or combine a statistics and domain search, e.g. obesity~statistics). 
  • Reflect on, analyze and explain the data using information gathered in the reference entry.  

3. Describe the negative impact for health

  • Using the library databases, find a scholarly, peer reviewed journal article which explores the condition's problematic effect on health.  See the Search for Online Articles search box below.

4. List the steps on how to reverse the negative impact

  • Find an open web source about your topic. Use a .EDU, .ORG, .GOV, or .INT (NO .COMs).

Find Articles

Search for Online Articles



Summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting

Paraphrase:  Carefully read the source.  Once fully understood put the information into your own words (use synonyms).  Don't look at the source while writing. The order of information does not need to be the same.  

Summarize:  Carefully read the source.  Once the information is understood use your own words to capture the main ideas.  Write without looking at the source.  A summary is much shorter than the original since it only covers key points.  

Quoting:  Only quote when the meaning of a passage cannot be captured or have the same impact when put into your own words.  

Presentation tips

Poster resources

How to Create a Research Poster, NYU Libraries (this is moreso for student qualitative or quantitative research presentations but the presentation tips are helpful) 

Image sources 

Search for images using Creative Commons or Flickr Creative Commons

Citing images, tables & figures

  • All works should be cited using either "Adapted from" or "From" at the beginning of the reference entry.    
  • Cite the copyright holder & date at the end of the reference entry, e.g. "Copyright 2015 National Nurses United."  If the work is in the public domain, use "In the public domain."
  • See pages 385-391 in the APA 7th edition manual.  
Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike License Tag

All guides are available under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.