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Citation Help

Citation Styles

Citation styles define how citations or references are organized and formatted within a paper.  The three most commonly used citation styles in higher education include:  

If you are not sure which one to use, ask your teacher what citation style they prefer you to use for your assignments.

(Some content adapted from Pima Community College Citation Guide with permission.)


Research Help

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Schedule a Reference Consultation

Meet one-on-one with a librarian for help with your research project and/or citation questions. Just fill out this form to book your session with a librarian. Available in-person or virtually. 

Reference Desks at the Main and North Campuses

No appointment necesary. Simply drop by the reference desk at the Main or North campus library. Librarians are always available and happy to help.


Email a question to a librarian. This is not as immediate as the chat Ask a Librarian service. You will receive a response within 2-3 business days by email.

Call Us

Connect with a reference librarian during open library hours.  Main Campus:  623-845-3112  North Campus 623-888-7112.

Contact a Specific Librarian

Click here for a list of faculty and staff at the GCC Libraries.


When and Why You Should Cite Your Sources

Created by the University of Guelph, Ontario

Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike License Tag

All guides are available under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.