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CREDO Information Literacy Modules

The materials on these pages have been designed to give you a foundation in information literacy and critical thinking.

Persistent Link

  1. Hover your mouse over the topic.
  2. Right-click and select "Copy Link Address."
  3. Paste the copied URL.

Adding Content via Credo LTI

There are two types of content you will add….


  • Non-graded content:  This includes things like videos or more informational content. 

  • Graded content: This includes things like quizzes and tutorials in which you want to have a score assigned in the grade column at the end.


Please note, the process for adding these two types is different, so please go to the appropriate section (non-graded or graded) depending upon the content you wish to add.  


Both rely on this spreadsheet for the urls.


Non-graded Content Instructions  


  1.  If adding content through a module, click on the + icon in the upper-right corner.


  1.  Select External Tool.


  1. Enter the url of the content you wish to add.  You will find this url in the spreadsheet document under the column LTI 1.1 Link.  Place this url, in the URL textbox towards the bottom of the pop-up window along with the name you wish to give for this content.



  1.  Click on the Add Item button in the bottom right corner.


  1. Be sure to also Publish this content to make it live.


Graded Content Instructions


  1.  If adding content through a module, click on the + icon in the upper-right corner.


  1. Select Assignment.


  1. In the menu, select Create Assignment, add a name to the assignment, then select Add Item.



  1. Click on the Assignment in the Module... 



  1.  Click Edit in the upper right corner.


  1.  On the page that opens, click on the drop-down by Submission Type.  Select the option that says External Tool.



  1.  In the url spot, enter the url of the content you wish to add.  You will find this url in the spreadsheet document under the column LTI 1.1 Link.


  1.  Add whatever description, point value (recommend 10 as a default), etc. you want.  Then, click on Save and Publish in the bottom right corner.

Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike License Tag

All guides are available under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.