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ARH101 Art History: Prehistoric through Gothic Art (Hall)

Research guide designed for ARH101 students with links to library databases, tips for scholarly research, and detailed instruction in producing an annotated bibliography.

What Is NoodleTools?

You will use NoodleTools to create your annotated bibliography in proper format.

NoodleTools is more than just a citation tool. It is a research-management system that can help you:

  • Plan, gather, and organize your research with electronic notecards
  • Make a project to-do list
  • Create outlines
  • Format your bibliography
  • Create citations in MLA, APA, and Chicago styles and then export them into your paper
  • Collaborate with classmates

Visit NoodleTools' Product Overview.

Video Instruction: How to Make a NoodleTools Account and Add Your Librarian as a Collaborator

IMPORTANT - Open an incognito browser    Control + Shift + N

Then go to:   to make your account following the instructions in the video.


BE SURE to add your librarian as a collaborator. Her NoodleTools User ID  is    Biblio2019

Sign Up for Your Free NoodleTools Account Here

NoodleTools link-- sign up or log in here. Enter your MEID and password when prompted.

  1. Click on "Don't have an account? Register." OR log into your existing account.
  2. Select a username and password. We recommend using your MEID username, so that you remember, even if you choose a different password. Jot down this info so you remember it!
  3. Use your GCC student email account for the "Google Account email" section in My Profile (lower left once you are in NoodleTools.) Student emails are your (example:






Troubleshooting for NoodleTools Sign Up -  open an incognito browser window (Control + Shift + N). Go to  - Enter your MEID and password as prompted. Then follow the sign up steps as shown on this guide. Having issues? Contact

Create Your ARH Annotated Bib Project


When you log into NoodleTools you will see your Projects tab. Click on the +New Project button in the upper right. 



Name your project. I recommend your put your last name - Annotated Bib as shown in the example below. I recommend selecting MLA for citation style and junior for citation level. Then hit Submit on lower right.

Create a Source Citation

Once you are in your project, create a citation by clicking on the + New Source button in the upper right.





NoodleTools will ask you: Where is it?  Identify whether you found your information source through a library database or on the open web. If you used a print source (a book, a physical journal) choose Print or in-hand.


Next, NoodleTools will ask what is it? Identify if you are citing a reference source such as an entry from an encyclopedia, a scholarly article, or a piece of art. 

. These are are the source types you are most likely to use from the library databases. 


Once you select a source type, NoodleTools will generate a form for you to fill out. At the bottom of the form is a space where you will enter your annotation.


Filling out the Form to Create Your Citation

Where you found your information and what information type it is will determine which form NoodleTools gives you to fill out.  As you fill out the form, you will see yellow exclamation marks and blue I symbols that alert you to details of MLA style.  To get specific help on filling out a form, ask me via email I will be very happy to help!

The exclamation mark indicates you might have made an error. In this example, I failed to capitalize a letter. Noodle caught this mistake.


The blue I provides information to guide you in filling out the form. Click on the blue I symbol to read important information. In the below example, I learn that when entering a contributor's name (author's name) I should not include academic degrees such as a PhD.


Adding Annotations

Each form has an annotation section at the bottom. This is where you will write your detailed, critical evaluation, required for this assignment. You can always edit the annotation later. If you are not yet ready to annotate your citation, just type To Be Continued. Then go back later and add the annotation.

IMPORTANT - For each annotation, indicate which type of source you are annotating. You can do this by putting the information type in parentheses before you begin the text of your annotation. For example  (Reference Source)  or (Scholarly Source)  (Primary Source #1) or (Primary Source #2)


Click the blue Save button at the upper right of the form. If you forgot to enter information in an important field of the form, NoodleTools will alert you.





NoodleTools then takes you back to the Source tab of your project. From here you can enter another +New source to enter your next item OR you can edit your form and annotation by clicking on the Options menu to the right of the source citation you want to edit.

Citing Your Art Piece

To cite your art object from the Met, choose Website for Where is it? Choose Work of Visual Art for What is it?


This generates a form that you should fill out like the example below. In this example, I left the name of the artist blank because no specific artist was given credit for creating the artwork. Use the artist field only if you have a specific first and last name of an artist. Otherwise, leave it blank. In the annotation section be sure to label the artwork as a PRIMARY source. 



Finding Info for NoodleTools Fields

The citation forms in NoodleTools are pretty straightforward, but a few elements might throw you. If the below explanations don't fully answer your questions, email

A few tips: 

Permalinks for URLS - When citing sources you found in library databases, use the permalink for the URL field. You can't copy and paste the URL from the top of the screen because that link does NOT work once you leave the database. Look in tools or at the top of the page for icons that look like these:   




Unknown author or artist - Don't feel you have to fill out every field in NoodleTools. If your art object is so old, the author is unknown just leave the "artist" field blank. Ditto for reference resources. Many times these have no specific author. Leave the author field blank. Further down on the form, add the editor's name in the proper field.

Use the database citation feature to grab information - Database citations are often full of errors. However, they contain much information you need. Click on the cite feature to see important information and use it to fill out the fields of your NoodleTools form. There is also a Quick Cite copy & paste feature. For more information on the Quick Cite option, scroll down.

Adding Annotations

At the bottom of every NoodleTools form, there is a space to enter an annotation. This is where you will type your summary and critical evaluation of the source.  Remember:

  • The annotation should be in your own words. Do not just copy and paste from an article's abstract.
  • Label your annotations. Your instructor wants you to indicate whether the source is PRIMARY or SECONDARY.  Also, indicate what type of source you are annotating.  For example - 



Quick Cite: Copy & Paste Citation Feature

 There is also a quick cite feature for creating citations in NoodleTools. This only works for resources that come from library databases or websites that include a citation element.



1. It will still be neccesary to select Where is it? and What is It?

2. Then select Quick Cite from the upper right of the form that is generated.

3. Copy and paste the citation information from the database.

4. Paste the citation info from the database into the space provided. Please note: the computer-generated citation could contain errors. Double check it with the MLA Handbook or ask the librarian for help double checking.

5. Add your annotation in the space at the bottom of the form. 

6.  Save your citation.



Exporting to Word or GoogleDocs

When you are happy with your annotated bib and ready to turn it in, you must export your sources to Word or GoogleDocs. Click on the printer icon in the upper right of your sources screen as shown below. Then select Word or GoogleDocs, whichever you prefer. Please note: If you make changes to NoodleTools after exporting, you will need to export again. Changes do not automatically reflect.


Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike License Tag

All guides are available under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.