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CPD160: Introduction to Multiculturalism

This library research guide was designed to support CPD160 students in navigating library resources.

Find Articles



Type in the search box above to find articles on sustainability, diversity, equity, and more. You can search by combinations of keywords or by subject headings. A good subject heading for the UN SDGs is "UN Sustainable Development Goals" 

You can limit your search by selecting reference, scholarly, magazine, or news on the radial buttons below the search box.

Featured Articles- Sustainable Development Goals

Click on the links below to read selected articles from the GCC Library's databases. These articles feature information and research on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and their various applications. For off-campus access, simply input your MEID and password when prompted.

Featured Articles - Diversity Consciousness & Equity Mindedness

Click on the links below to read selected articles from the GCC Library's databases. These articles feature information and research on diversity consciousness and its various applications. For off-campus access, simply input your MEID and password when prompted.

Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike License Tag

All guides are available under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.