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ENG101: First-Year Composition (Beattie)

This guide was designed to support students enrolled in ENG101, however, others researching for ENG might also find the content useful.


Sentences or sentence fragments should not be used when database searching.  Instead, researchers should use keyword or phrase searching.  

Think of words that best describe the topic you are searching.  Quotation marks are used to identify phrase searching (for example, "servant leadership").

Concepts can be identified using various words so it is helpful to identify related terms as well. 

Topic Why do people believe in ghosts?
Related terms ghosts, spirits, apparition, paranormal, statistics, paranormal tourism, haunted house, rituals, culture, Hungry Ghost Festival, skeptics, Ghost Hunters, media, pareidolia, emotions, soul 

What is the effect of political division?                   

Related terms  

Keeping backyard chickens.                                    

Related Terms  

What is your paper topic? 

List 5 terms related to the topic that can be searched on for information.  

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