First, you must make a project before you can make citations. The project will hold all your citations for a given assignment or research need. NoodleTools allows you to make as many projects as you need for different classes and/or different assignments.
From the My Projects screen, click on the green +New Project button in the upper right corner.
Now, name your project.
Choose your citation style - APA or MLA
Choose your citation level. Junior is recommended.
Click Submit.
Click on New Source to create a citation for the information source you're using. Please be aware that the citations you make which will show on your Sources screen are NOT the final product. Once you add all citations to a project, you will export the project into Word or Google docs and it will be perfectly formatted.
Follow the prompts to enter information about your your source. NoodleTools will ask WHERE you found your source. In a library database? On a website? Is it a book you have in your hand? Select the appropriate response.
Then NoodleTools will ask WHAT is it, meaning what type of source do you have - a journal article? A book? A video? If you need help identifying your source, don't hesitate to contact a librarian.
The great thing about NoodleTools is that it teaches you citation style as you create citations. It informs you of the things that need to be in your citation or left out of your citation. Additionally, it alerts you when it thinks you have made a mistake. Look for the I information symbol and the yellow exclamation mark.
If there is a field on your form that doesn't relate to your source, simply skip it. For example, if your source does not have an author listed, skip that part of the form. You can only cite what you see. Librarians are always happy to help if you aren't sure.
Some library databases allow you to export a citation directly into NoodleTools. Look for this opion in the Cite feature or Export feature of a database. Please be aware that computer-generated citations often contain errors. When you export them, they carry over those errors. You will need to double-check their accuracy.
Example of an exported citation from Gale eBooks database:
First, go into the Cite feature in the Tools of an article:
Then, choose export to NoodleTools. Be sure to select the correction citation style to export:
If you are not logged into NoodleTools, the database will prompt you to log in. Then you will repeat the above steps. Now, select the project you wish to add the source to,as shown below.
The citation has now populated in your Sources screen. It will be labeled as a preformatted citation. Double check it by clicking into the source and seeing if any yellow exclamation points pop up. You can also check your citation against the MLA or APA handbooks or check with a librarian.
All guides are available under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.