Access the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis through the GCC Library Database list or by using Journal Finder on the GCC Library website as shown below:
Click on the Wiley database that houses the journal and enter your MEID and password when prompted. Your librarian has highlighted the Wiley database link in the screenshot below.
Now you can browse through specific issues of the journal by volume/issue number.
Need articles on research from the field? Scroll down to the Research Articles section of the issue. Beneath this heading, students will find articles that detail experiments conducted in the field of behavioral science.
Instead of browsing each full issue, students can use the search feature within the Wiley database. However, the search function leaves a lot to be desired. Your librarian recommends the advanced search feature on the GCC Library website instead. From the library site, students can conduct a Boolean search. By using the AND, NOT, or OR features of a Boolean search, results are much more specific and can be limited to a specific journal.
Scroll down to the next box to see instructions on Boolean searching within Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
On the GCC Library website's main page, go into the search box and click on Advanced, as shown below:
Now use the dropdown arrow and select Journal Title. In the box to the right, type in Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Next, use the additional boxes to limit a search with Boolean functions, AND, NOT, or OR.
In the example below, I am searching for articles in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis that contain the keyword "coercion." I want to exclude results on autism or autistic persons. I used the NOT feature and entered the keyword "autis" with an asterisk. The asterisk truncates the keyword so the search system knows I want to exclude any words beginning with a-u-t-i-s.
After clicking enter at the bottom of the page, I see my results. I can read the article by clicking on the article title and entering MEID and password when prompted. I can also email myself an article by clicking on the envelope icon as shown below:
Scroll down to the next box to see where to find the citation feature attached to Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis articles. Your librarian suggests you double check the computer-generated citation using NoodleTools, a free-to-you citation and research management product provided to you by the GCC Library.
Included with each article in the Wiley database are three icons: one to read the article as a PDF, one to share (email) the article, and one to find the computer-generated citation for the article. To look at the citation, click on the Tools icon as shown below:
Next, click Export Citation. Then scroll down to How Cite to see the suggested APA formatted citation. Example below:
Doublecheck your citation! Computer-generated citations sometimes contain errors. To create citations and manage research, try using NoodleTools. There is a step-by-step guide to NoodleTools on this research guide. Your librarian can answer questions for you about NoodleTools, this lesson, or any research questions you have.
Email your librarian at We can also meet one on one through Google Meet.
All guides are available under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.