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Gaucho Gears Library BookBike

Outreach BookBIke.

Fundraiser History

After attending the 2017 ACRL conference sessions on crowdsourcing in libraries, GCC partnered with the Maricopa Foundation to be the first group to successfully crowdfund a project. We raised just over $3,600 from when the project page went live in May until we hit full funding in December. This allowed us to have a custom bike built by Pedal Positive out of Colorado. The graphic design vinyl panels decorating the outside of the bike was created and applied by Chanda Fraulino, Administrative Specialist Senior in Facilities Management.


Here is the page that was shared:


Maricopan article:

GCC Librarians wanted to take books and resources outside the library walls; to go where the students congregate and things are happening on campus.  They wanted something unique and mobile.  The GCC Library and Media Center is much more than books, indeed it provides beneficial resources and a great depth of information to students and faculty alike.  The challenge was how to get this message to the student body in an engaging and informative way.


The idea of the BookBike was born.  The brainstorm was quickly refined to a concrete concept; a tricycle style bike with a hinged container placed over the rear axle.  This configuration means the bike would be loaded with books at the library and then pedaled to a location on campus.  Once in position the librarian would open the container doors to reveal a mini library on bike wheels.   But turning concept to reality isn’t always easy.  There is the little matter of funding. 


Believing fervently in the concept and with detailed plans in hand, the library staff researched costs.  The findings; expensive but doable through innovative fund raising.  Working with the Maricopa Foundation, they were the first group to successfully crowdfund a project. 


Now the Gaucho Gears BookBike project is complete and can be spotted around GCC campus at various events. During homecoming 2018, the GCC librarians put together a display of books and archive materials relating to football and Gaucho athletics.   Look for the GCC BookBike at any major campus event, and you will be treated to a treasure trove of books and background information related to the activity.

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