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Gaucho Gears Library BookBike

Outreach BookBIke.


  • You will need the key located at the reference desk. It has a sticker of a bike and a book on it.
  • Umbrella-- located in the back storage room (behind the music library) on the black counter space along the northeast corner.
  • Pump-- (if needed) located in the back storage room (behind the music library) on the black counter space along the northeast corner.
  • Sign- located in the back storage room (behind the music library) on the black counter space along the northeast corner.
  • Bike! 


  • Add event to Google BookBike calendar.
  • Consider printing a customized informational flier for the event.
  • Notify Pam and Sean to add BookBike event to the FB page and library TV.
  • Choose 20-25 books for the event (or general if not attached to an event).
  • Check books out to GCC Display.
  • Ask circ what the due date will be for any books checked out today.
  • Desensitize books.
  • Check the tires. Pump up if needed.
  • Load bike with materials.


  • It may feel wobbly at first, but you get used to it pretty quickly.
  • Make very wide turns; just go slowly.
  • Don’t ride with the umbrella attached and open. I usually put the strap over my shoulder and wear it across my back.

Set Up

  • When you arrive at your destination, put both parking brakes on. These are located on the hand brakes.
  • Put up the large pop-up sign. *
  • *Sometimes students will avoid you without the sign because they don't realize it is part of the library.
  • Put up the umbrella and slide in the lock bar. This can be very tricky. Keep turning it around until you can get the holes to line up. It really does work!
  • Open the display area.
  • Organize the books using the stands.
  • Put the checkout clipboard on the flat area above the silver drawer.
  • Put out the bookmarks and any fliers.


  • Fill out checkout clipboard completely with any checkouts.
  • Inform students of the due dates. Maybe write on bookmark and put in the book.
  • Inform students they must return the book to the physical library; explain where drop boxes are.
  • Offer students bookmarks.
  • Offer students a copy of The Traveler.
  • Ask if they are familiar with library services like the databases.
  • Record # of interactions. (1 pt for just handing out Top 10 bookmark; 5 pts for discussion of services, checkout, etc.)


  • Return bike to display area near the West entrance in front of offices leading to the bathrooms.
  • Use the bumpers to keep the doors from swinging.
  • Put pop-up banner back up. Return carrying case to spot under the reference desk.
  • Return umbrella to spot under the reference desk.
  • Check books back in unless you would like to leave the books out as a display for a bit. Check with Pam about this.
  • Enter student checkouts in workflows or have circulation help you.
  • Cross off student MEIDs once you have checked out the books in workflows.
  • You can either leave the stats sheet locked in the bike or put in Pam's box. Let he know which you choose.
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All guides are available under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.