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REL271: Introduction to The New Testament (Bringas)

A Library Research Guide focused upon finding information for REL271: Introduction to the New Testament (Bringas).

Four horsemen of the appocolypse

About this Guide

Welcome to the GCC Library's REL271 Introduction to the New Testament guide.  This guide has a particular focus upon the Book of Revelation to prepare students for the end, ie your final semester project...  (;

Explore these different pages through the tabs on the left:

  • Annotated Bibles -- This tab is provides a link to the Oxford Annotated Bible, which we will be using to study the Book of Revelation and some of the meanings and terms of the time.
  • Find Books -- Books are one of the fundamental types of sources used in the field of religious studies.  On this page are a number of book resources along with helpful search boxes and hints to maximize your research. 
  • Find Articles -- In addition to books, scholarly articles are another source to find information upon a number of topics as these go very in-depth to a lot of specific issues.  This page features a search box scoped to articles, several databases, and search strategies to help you find the articles you need.
  • Class Presentation -- Upon this page, you can find my presentation for the class.  Refer back to this to refresh yourself on any parts of the lesson.
  • Citation Station -- You looking to cite some sweet sources.  Check out the link to our citation station to learn how to cite in APA, MLA, and more...


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All guides are available under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.