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Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA)

GCC Library IDEA Plan

GCC Library Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Plan 

Purpose of this plan is to express principles and actions centered in inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility (IDEA) for GCC Libraries. This commitment is centered specifically in principles of equity, justice, and anti- racism, understanding that diversity is the outcome of such work. We will approach this work with a growth mindset and humility, conscious that as a majority-white department it is our responsibility to dismantle the structures that have been created to benefit and uplift us to the exclusion of and harm to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). 

This plan breaks down into three interconnected areas of practice for both immediate and ongoing impact for both the library faculty and staff and the community we serve. 

  • Education: continuing education of all faculty and staff in IDEA issues, both specific to their job areas and engaged with broader conversations across campus. 

  • Policy: ensure our policies uphold our values as an institution in centering IDEA principles.

  • Services: employ services to students, faculty and staff that are just and equitable, with a commitment to our most vulnerable and marginalized patrons. 


We will conduct audits across the libraries to review all aspects of our work under a lens of racial equity. This may include a review of the literature in any given area to learn from others who are committed to this work and implementing change. 

Staff Audit: How are responsibilities assigned and distributed? How are they balanced against other duties and responsibilities? Where are there gaps, or space for improvement? 

Policy Audit: Do the policies of the libraries meet IDEA commitments? Do any perpetuate inequality? How can they change? 

Collections Audit: How are we thinking about IDEA in relation to our collections, licenses, and subscriptions? How do we support the campus in valuing and contributing to open scholarship and pedagogy? 

Services Audit: Do our services align with our values and IDEA commitments? Who or what is excluded? 

Standards audit: How do our classification systems, descriptive and structural practices uphold or perpetuate inequality, and how can we contribute to local and national change? 


Proposals on actionable items to advance IDEA work. These ay change based on outcome of audits. 

Departmental commitment: All faculty and staff units and individuals will consider how they can incorporate IDEA principles and actions into their work.

Pedagogy: All faculty and staff are responsible for instruction and training are themselves trained to employ methods that are inclusive, accessible,  and culturally responsive. 

Spaces: We will actively work to make our spaces welcoming and accessible.

Campus Outreach: We will actively work in partnership with other campus units. 

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