Welcome to the GCC Journalism Research Guide! This guide is meant to help
students in the journalism classes at GCC. It is divided into several main parts, which can be found through the left:
- Find Background Information -- This tab is meant to help you identify starting points for research into your topic. This includes background information resources along with sources and hints to help you begin.
- Find Articles- Newspaper Databases-- This tab will provide information to help you find online newspaper (both current and historical) articles and online magazine and journal articles related to journalism.
- Find Books/ Print Periodicals -- This tab will provide information on finding topical books available either at the GCC Library, online, or through another MCCCD library. It also links to the GCC Print Periodicals search page for a listing of the physical magazines and newspapers we have in the library.
- Find Web Resources-- This tab will provide journalism web resources and information on evaluating sources.
- Find Video -- This tab will provide information to help you find you find either DVDs or streaming video sources on your topic.
- Find Images-- Learn how and when you can use images and find resources for copyright-free images.
- Fair Use in Journalism/ Copyright-- This tab covers how copyright and fair use pertain to journalism.
- Career and Association Resources-- A listing of valuable professional associations for journalists.
- Evaluating Information in the Era of "Fake News" -- This tab will provide information to help you find evaluate news sources for authority, bias, and credibility.
- Citation Assistance -- This tab will provide information to help you create citations.