JOURNALISM materials can appear in various places in the library depending on a few different factors. Some current works may be in the LEISURE as well as the CAREER and VIDEO collections. The primary place for the study and history of JOURNALISM is in the GENERAL collection. Most titles center in the Library of Congress Classification range: "PN 4699-5650".
However, photojournalism is found in the photography section (TR 820). You'll get other journalism resources in sports, education, law, business, and even the section on libraries and books. Books by journalists writing on a particular topic will be shelved next to other books on the same topic-- throughout the collection.
Useful SUBJECT terms are "journalists" and "journalism." Add terms such as "Political Aspects," "Professional," "History," "Freelance," "Women," "Online," etc. to find specific topics. Video and eBooks are also available.
Photo by César Viteri on Unsplash
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