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Use Boolean Operators "AND", "OR", and "NOT" to improve your search results and find what you need!
For example, you want to know similarities/differences between FORD and GM, type inside the search box — Ford AND GM.
Type AND between keywords to find web pages and articles that have both words. This type of Boolean search limits your results and increases accuracy. PINK area is the search result.
For example, you want to know as much as possible about FORD and GM, type inside the search box — Ford OR GM.
The OR operator increases your results. It searches the articles that have one or another keyword, or both. BLUE, ORANGE, and GREY area are the search results.
For example, you want to know unique information only about FORD without GM mentioned, type inside the search box — Ford NOT GM.
The NOT excludes keywords that aren’t relevant for your research. The BLUE area is the search result.
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