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Top 10 Things for Students in the Library

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Top 10 Things for Students in the Library

Check out the Top 10 Resources for Students

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1  Ask Us

Call Us! If you have any questions, please call give us a call (623) 845-3112 during the normal business hours.

Ask a Librarian You can contact us via our 24/7 chat service if you need assistance.

Email Service If you have a specific question but don't wish to chat, send us an email and library staff will be able to help you find resources and answer your questions. Most questions can be answered the same day.

1-on-1 Consultations If you need some substantial help, you can set up a 1-on-1 consultation appointment and we would be willing to chat with you either in the library or virtually through either the phone or a video conferencing method such as Google Meet.

Reference Desk help (see # 7 below): The Main and North Campus Libraries will have reference librarians available on the reference desk for in-person service. See our Hours page for more info.


2  Electronic Databases

Access millions of full-text articles, images, streaming video through Swank and Films on Demand, and more.  Most provide citations in MLA & APA. The library has expanded its eBook collections, subscribing to additional eBook packages.


Inter-Campus Delivery

Request books and DVDs from any Maricopa college in the library catalog and have them delivered to your campus library.


4  Research Guides

Use the specialized subject and course guides to get started researching a variety of topics. See what's available at:


5  Course Reserves

Some textbooks and supplemental material are on physical reserve for students for 2-hour in-library checkouts. Additionally, we have an E-Reserves program where up to 3 chapters of your textbook may be available digitally in your Canvas course shell under Library Resources. See our Textbook and Reserves Services page for more information.


Citations (see NoodleTools)

Find everything you need to properly format citations, including sample papers, guides, and tutorials. The library recently subscribed to NoodleTools, a research aid and citation generator that will organize and format your research and bibliographies.


7  Reference Desk

Our reference librarians can help you narrow a topic, determine a keyword search, learn to navigate the databases, find valid sources, and much more! *The main library has reference librarians available during open hours at Main and North, and we offer options for a virtual reference consultation and in-person appointments.


8  Tutorials & How-To Videos

The GCC Library has created a number of instructional videos and tutorials to teach valuable research & library skills. You can see a list of these videos & tutorials below.


9  Laptops, CD Players, & WIFI Hotspots

Check out laptops for 4 hours for in-library use/ CD players to take home.

The library has 35 WIFI Hotspots--


10  Study Space--

We have group study rooms, a silent study room, a leisure reading room, computers commons, and more. *Rooms are currently first-come, first-served.


Main: 623-845-3112                   North: 623-888-7112

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