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Voter Education

What's On My Ballot?

Clean Elections Commission

Established by the Citizens Clean Elections Act in 1998, this non-partisan commission offers voter education, public financing, campaign finance enforcement, and a clean elections fund.

To find:

  • which candidates and issues will be on your specific ballot
  • where to vote
  • your registration and ballot status
  • your current elected officals
  • and your district info....


Clean Elections home page

Once you enter your address, you will see the dashboard with the voter information options.

Clean Elections Dashboard

Political Parties & Platforms

Political party platforms guide members' positions on a variety of issues but do not necessarily hold a candidates in commitment (Gelb); they are documents identifying the party's official position(s) on issues facing the nation. Major party platforms for presidential elections debut at the parties' national (nominating) conventions, when the party "adopts" its platform.

For more information and historical highlights, see Northeastern University's U.S. Political Conventions & Campaign's website:

Gelb, Joyce. "Political Party Platform." Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by George Thomas Kurian. vol. 4. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2011, pp. 1267-1268. Gale Virtual Reference Library

Local Party Platforms

Party Voter Guides 2020

Fact Checks of the Issues

Statewide Ballot Measures

Arizona 2022 Statewide Ballot Measures

Propositions are able to be sent to the ballot by both the state legislature and the citizens themselves. To gain official ballot status a certain number of petition signatures must be gathered and submitted to the Secretary of State's Office.   - from

There are 10 Propositions on the ballot in November. Click on each proposition for arguments for and against each:


Additional Online Resources

Be a Poll Worker

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All guides are available under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.