Welcome to the PSY132 Guide! This guide is divided into several main parts, which can be accessed by clicking the tabs to the left:
- Find Articles -- This tab will provide information to help you find online articles, journals, magazines, and newspapers on your topic.
- Find Books -- This tab will provide information on finding topical books available either at the GCC Library, online, or through another MCCCD library.
- Find Video -- This tab will provide information to help you find streaming video sources or DVDS on your topic.
- Scholarly, Trade, or Popular? -- Definitions, a short video, and an interactive quick lesson on identifying scholarly research from popular magazine articles or trade journals.
- What Is Peer Review? -- A 3-minute video explaining the process of peer review required for scholarly publication.
- Citation Guide -- A link to the full research guide on formatting requirements for APA, MLA, and Chicago citation styles.
- NoodleTools Research and Citation Aid -- Need help with an APA reference list or citation? Use NoodleTools, a GCC database that teaches the elements of APA citation and generates citations from source input. Instructions for creating and using a free account.
- Book Club Assignment: Details & Resources -- A description of the Book Club assignment and links to helpful resources, including book discussion questions and tips for writing book reviews. For Dr. Worthy's sections of PSY132.
- Book Club Assignment Title Choices -- A list of the title choices for the Book Club Assignment, with book descriptions and direct links to free eBooks and the library catalog. For Dr. Lisa Worthy's sections of PSY132.
- Ask a Librarian -- Contact a librarian for help via text, email, or phone. Or make an appointment for a one-on-one consultation with a librarian.