The GCC Library seeks your original poetry for our
Spring 2025 Poetry Competition:
So This Is Love
Deadline: March 21, 2025 at 11.59PM
Submission Guidelines
Manuscript Format:
Please submit your entry in single-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font.
Do not place the author's name on poem manuscripts. Judges will be evaluating each entry without knowledge of the author’s identity. The author’s name should appear only on the Google entry form.
If a poet is submitting more than one entry, please fill out a separate entry form for each poem.
Questions? Please contact
Congratulations to our Spring 2023 Poetry Competition winners:
Patrick McCarthy for "Wagon Ride"
Isabella Rodosta for "Memory Lane"
Scroll down to read the poems.
Congratulations, Patrick!
Congratulations, Isabella!
The GCC Library seeks your original poetry for our
Spring 2023 Poetry Competition
Deadline: March 26, 2023 at 11.59PM
Submission Guidelines
Please read submission guidelines carefully. Submissions may be disqualified for failure to meet any of the submission guidelines.
Image credit: "Writing journal" by avrdreamer is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
Manuscript Format:
Please submit your entry in single-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman .
Do not place the author's name on poem manuscripts. Judges will be evaluating each entry without knowledge of the author’s identity. The author’s name should appear only on the Google entry form. If a poet is submitting more than one entry, please fill out a separate entry form for each poem.
The writing competition is open only to currently enrolled Glendale Community College students. Faculty are not eligible to participate,
Writters may submit up to 3 poems for consideration.
Poems on any topic or theme may be submitted. We are simply looking for your best.
Individual poems should not exceed 40 lines.
All writing submissions must be original work.
Entries will be evaluated on: creativity, clarity, technique (style used to convey message of the poem), mechanics (spelling, grammar) and overall effectiveness.
Submissions should not denigrate any racial, ethnic, class, or special needs group. Violence, strong language, or sexual situations should be key to the poem and not gratuitous.
Submissions should be saved as PDF files and uploaded to the Spring 2023 Poetry Writing Competition Submission Google form
Winning submissions will be published on the GCC Library Creative Writing guide in celebration of National Poetry Month. Submitting writer retains all rights.
The decisions of the judge(s) are final.
Submission deadline: Sunday, March 26th, 2023 by 11.59PM.
Questions? Please contact
Poetry Competition: Matters of the Heart
@ Your GCC Libraries
The GCC Library seeks your original poetry for our Spring 2021 Poetry Competition: Matters of the Heart. Deadline: Friday, April 23, 2021 by 11.59 pm
Submission Guidelines
Please read submission guidelines carefully. Submissions may be disqualified for failure to meet any of the submission guidelines.
Theme and Style:
The theme for this competition is “matters of the heart.” The interpretation of the theme is up to the poet. Love, heartbreak, the circulation system… any of these takes or another take on the phrase can be your inspiration. How do you interpret “matters of the heart” and how can you put it into poetry?
Poems of any style may be submitted. Free verse, rhyme, sonnet, etc. - each poet decides on the style. We encourage poetry writing in any form that fits.
Manuscript Format:
Please submit your entry in single-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font.
The poem’s title must be listed on each page of the submission but the author's name should be listed only on the Google form used for submission. Judges will be evaluating each entry without knowledge of the author’s identity.
If a poet is submitting more than one entry, a separate entry form must be filled out for each poem.
The writing competition is open only to currently enrolled Glendale Community College students.
Writers may submit up to 3 poems for consideration.
Poems should not exceed 40 lines
All writing submissions must be original work.
Entries will be evaluated on:
interpretation of theme “matters of the heart”
The poem’s title must be listed on each page of the submission but the author's name should be listed only on the Google form used for submission. Judges will be evaluating each entry without knowledge of the author’s identity.
Submissions should be saved as PDF files and uploaded to the Poetry Writing Competition Submission Google form
Winning submissions will be published on the GCC Library Website.
The decisions of the judges are final.
Submitting writer retains all rights.
Submission deadline: Friday, April 23, 2021 by 11.59 pm
Questions? Please contact
Congratulations to the
winner of the 2022 Fabulous First Chapter Competition.
Chapter 1 of Storm Front by Patrick McCarthy
The GCC Library seeks your first chapter of a novel-in-progress for our
Fall 2022 Writing Contest. All styles and genres welcome.
Deadline: Wednesday, November 30, 2022 by 11.59p.m.
Please read submission guidelines carefully. Submissions may be disqualified for failure to meet any of the submission guidelines.
Manuscript Format:
Please submit your entry in double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font.
The working title of the novel must be listed on each page of the submission but the author's name should be listed only on the Google form used for submission. Judges will be evaluating each entry without knowledge of the author’s identity.
The writing competition is open only to currently enrolled Glendale Community College students.
Writers may submit one chapter of a completed original novel or an original novel-in-progress. Writers should submit the first chapter of the novel only.
All writing submissions must be original work.
Entries will be evaluated on: originality, "grab factor," technique (use of language/style to convey meaning), grammar/mechanics, and overall effectiveness of the chapter.
Submissions should not denigrate any racial, ethnic, class, or special needs group. Violence, strong language, or sexual situations should be key to the story and not gratuitous.
The working title of the novel must be listed on each page of the submission but author name should be listed only on the Google form used for submission.
Submissions should be saved as PDF files and uploaded to the Fabulous First Chapter Fall 2022 Writing Contest Submission Google form
Winning submission(s) will be published on the GCC Library Website Creative Writing page.
The decisions of the judges are final.
Submitting writer retains all rights.
Submission deadline: November 30, 2022 by 11.59 pm
Congratulations to our Spring 2022 Poetry Competition winners:
Danae Madrigal for "A CNA's View of Her Demented Patient"
Sunflower for "You vs. Depression"
Scroll down to read both winning poems. More of Sunflower's work may be read on her Instagram page
Congratulations, Danae!
Congratulations, Sunflower!
The GCC Library seeks your original poetry for our
Spring 2022 Poetry Competition
Deadline: Friday, April 8, 2022 at 11.59PM
Please read submission guidelines, including the required manuscript format carefully. Submissions may be disqualified for failure to meet any of the submission guidelines.
Image attribution: "fox writing with a quill pen" by 50 Watts is marked with CC BY 2.0. To view the terms, visit
Submission Guidelines
Writers may submit up to 3 poems for consideration.
Individual poems should not exceed 40 lines
All writing submissions must be original work
Poems on any topic or theme may be submitted. We are simply looking for your best.
Entries will be evaluated on:
*technique (style used to convey message of the poem)
*mechanics (spelling, grammar)
*overall effectiveness
Submissions should not denigrate any racial, ethnic, class, or special needs group. Violence, strong language, or sexual situations should be key to the poem and not gratuitous.
Manuscript Format:
Please submit your entry in single-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font.
The poem’s title must be listed on each page of the submission but the author's name should be listed only on the Google form used for submission. Judges will be evaluating each entry without knowledge of the author’s identity.
If a poet is submitting more than one entry, a separate entry form must be filled out for each poem.
Poems on any topic or theme may be submitted. We are simply looking for your best.
Winning submissions will be published on the GCC Library Creative Writing guide. Submitting writer retains all rights.
The decisions of the judge(s) are final.
Submission deadline: Friday, April 8, 2022 by 11.59PM
Questions? Please contact
Congratulations to our Fall 2021 Fabulous First Chapter winner! Read the winning entry below.
Lady Black Rose and Heaven's Knight, Chapter One: "The Lady Knight's Gala" by S.J. Heller
Interested in reading more of S.J. Heller's fiction? Visit her Twitter page at @Sarahjanie1
Fall 2021
Fabulous First Chapter
Writing Competition
@ Your GCC Libraries
The GCC Library seeks your first chapter of a novel-in-progress for our
Fall 2021 Writing Contest. All styles and genres welcome.
Deadline: Friday, November 30, 2021 by 11.59p.m.
Submission Guidelines
Please read submission guidelines carefully. Submissions may be disqualified for failure to meet any of the submission guidelines.
Manuscript Format:
Please submit your entry in double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font.
The working title of the novel must be listed on each page of the submission but the author's name should be listed only on the Google form used for submission. Judges will be evaluating each entry without knowledge of the author’s identity.
“grab factor”
overall effectiveness of the chapter.
Writers should strive for a first chapter that inspires the reader to continue reading the novel.
Questions? Please contact
Congratulations to our Spring 2021 Matters of the Heart Poetry Competition winners:
Francis P. Sparks "Red 100s"
C Evans Mylonas "Pass Me a Post It"
Fall 2020
Fabulous First Chapter
Writing Competition
@ Your GCC Libraries
The GCC Library seeks your first chapter of a novel-in-progress for our
Fall 2020 Writing Contest. All styles and genres welcome.
Deadline: Friday, November 20, 2020 by 11.59p.m.
Submission Guidelines
Please read submission guidelines carefully. Submissions may be disqualified for failure to meet any of the submission guidelines.
Manuscript Format:
Please submit your entry in double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font.
The working title of the novel must be listed on each page of the submission but the author's name should be listed only on the Google form used for submission. Judges will be evaluating each entry without knowledge of the author’s identity.
“grab factor”
overall effectiveness of the chapter.
Writers should strive for a first chapter that inspires the reader to continue reading the novel.
Questions? Please contact
Congratulations to our Fall 2020 Fabulous First Chapter winner! Read the winning entry below.
Chapter 1 of "The Hitmage Chronicles" by Eric Blinn
Fall 2019
Fabulous First Chapter
Writing Competition
@ Your GCC Libraries
The GCC Library seeks your first chapter of a novel-in-progress for our
Fall 2019 Writing Contest. All styles and genres welcome.
Deadline: November 30, 2019
Submission Guidelines
Please read submission guidelines carefully. Submissions may be disqualified for failure to meet any of the submission guidelines.
Manuscript Format:
Please submit your entry in double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font.
Congratulations to our Fabulous First Chapter 2019 Writing Competition Winner.
The GCC Library seeks your poetry and short fiction submissions for our Spring 2019 contest. All styles and genres welcome.
Library should be an important element of your submission. Set your story or poem in a library--any library--or otherwise use library as a main element of the piece. This is the only requirement for theme.
Deadline: March 31, 2019
Submission Guidelines
Please read submission guidelines carefully. Submissions may be disqualified for failure to meet any of the submission guidelines.
Short fiction: Fiction entries may be up to 3,000 words. Please submit your entry in double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font.
Poetry: Poetry entries may be up to 30 lines (not including title). Please submit your entry in single-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font.
Congratulations to our Spring 2019 Writing Competition Winners.
Writing Competition: Magical Library The GCC Libraries seek your creative writing submissions on the theme “Magical Library.” Enter your flash fiction, short fiction, or poetry submissions for publication on the GCC Library website and a small prize. What is “magical” to you, and how might magic manifest (either literally or figuratively) in a library setting? Let your imagination loose! All genres welcome. Deadline: November 2, 2018.
Please read submission guidelines carefully. Submissions may be disqualified for failure to meet submission guidelines.
Submission Guidelines
Flash fiction: Fiction entries up to 500 words on the theme “Magical Library.” Please submit your entry in single-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font. Writer’s name should not appear on any pages of the manuscript but only on the submission form. (See link to submission form below.) Please list the entry’s title on each page of the manuscript, followed by page number.
Short fiction: Fiction entries up to 3,000 words on the theme “Magical Library.” Please submit your entry in double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font. Writer’s name should not appear on any pages of the manuscript but only on the submission form. (See link to submission form below.) Please list the entry’s title on each page of the manuscript, followed by page number.
Poetry: Poetry entries up to 30 lines (not including title) on the theme “Magical Library.” Please submit your entry in single-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font. Writer’s name should not appear on any pages of the manuscript but only on the submission form. (See link to submission form below.) Please list the entry’s title on each page of the manuscript, followed by page number.
Congratulations to the winners of our Fall 2018 Magical Library Writing Competition. Scroll down to read the winning entries in the poetry and short fiction categories. We did not receive entries in the flash fiction category, therefore a winner was not awarded. The next Writers Connect Writing Competition will be planned for Spring, 2019.
Poetry - "Discovering My Story" by Cecilia Elisabeth Reyes
Short fiction - "The Library of Peace" by Raushan Mateen
All guides are available under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.