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Creative Writing

A resource guide for creative writers.


 Every November, writers around the world join together to pursue their goal of writing 50,000 words of a novel in just 30 days. In support of NaNoWriMo, GCC Library and the Creative Writing Department partner to provide events that help writers meet their goal and connect with like-minded creatives. In our write-in sessions you will meet fellow creative writers, learn where and how to find resources for writing, as well as other tips for keeping on track. Commit to a month of writing devoted to moving your novel from idea to page, and have fun while making progress. 

Register to attend our events. Events are free and open to both GCC student and community members.

NaNo Prep 101

Check out NaNoWriMo's 6-week workshop and resource guide for writers. Sections include:

  • Develop a story idea
  • Create characters
  • Construct a detailed plot or outline
  • Worldbuilding
  • Organize your life to support your writing goals
  • Time management for writing


Novel Plotting Quiz

How do you outline a novel? Take NaNoWriMo's Plotting Method Quiz.  Then follow your quiz results for tips on outlining your novel.

Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike License Tag

All guides are available under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.