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ENG101: First-Year Composition (Elrobeh) Library Database Searching /Evaluation Paper

A library database searching lesson designed for D. Elrobeh's sections of ENG101

Finding Magazine Articles

Magazine articles are:

  • written by journalists as opposed to experts in a field
  • edited by a general editor or editorial board
  • aimed at a general audience (they are fairly easy to understand)
  • include interviews or commentary by experts
  • do not include a list of references the way scholarly articles do

The search box below allows you to search multiple library databases (electronic, organized collections of information) for magazine articles. You want to click on the radio button labeled Magazine beneath the search box in order to find only articles from magazines.

Search by typing directly into the box below. Use different combinations of keywords. Don't use too many and don't use full, complete sentences. Databases look for the individual words you type in, regardless of the order in which those words exist in an article. Put quotation marks around words you want to find in a particular order.

Example search terms:

"video game" AND "visual appeal"

"video game" AND Portal 

"best video games" 2007

Search for Online Articles



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