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Hotspot FAQs
What is a hotspot?
Hotspots are small, mobile devices that provide Internet access to smart phones, tablets, laptops, or other wifi-enabled devices.
Can faculty and staff check out hotspots?
The hotspot lending program is only available to GCC students. College employees should reach out to their supervisors to discuss technology and other resources available to them.
How do I get a hotspot?
Hotspots are available at the GCC Main Library on a limited basis and are checked out from the West Circulation counter. Hotspots may not be placed on hold or reserved. You must submit a request form to be considered for a hotspot. Given limited numbers we cannot guarantee everyone will receive a unit, they are distributed on a needs-based basis.
How long can I keep a hotspot?
Hotspots check out for one semester at a time. They cannot be renewed or put on hold. We will disconnect the hotspot from service once it is overdue, and the student may incur overdue or loss fees.
Who do I contact for help with my hotspot if there is a problem?
If you are experiencing a technical problem, reach out to a librarian at 623-845-3112 or by using this email form. Do NOT contact the IT Help Desk. You must get help from the library. You may need to bring the hotspot back to the library for a physical repair. We will troubleshoot a few common issues with you first. If this does not resolve the issue, we will reach out to technical support from the service provider.
For general questions about the Hotspot Lending Program, please contact:
What if I can’t get to campus?
As a physical item, hotspots must be checked out and returned in person from the Circulation Desk in the Main campus library. You may need to bring the hotspot back for technical fixes, if needed.
Can I check out a hotspot at GCC North?
No. At this time, a limited number of hotspots are available only at GCC Main campus.
Where and how do I return the hotspot?
Hotspots must be returned to a person at the West Circulation Desk of the GCC Main Campus Library. Do not return them in book drops or to the IT Helpdesk. We must account for all component parts of the hotspot kit, and it will not be checked in until this is done in person.
I’m told all the hotspots are checked out. Is there a waitlist?
Hotspots are checked out on a needs-first basis. Due to the limited numbers available and since they are checked out for the entire semester we cannot guarantee everyone who requests one will receive a hotspot. When you submit the request form we will place you on a waitlist and you will be notified if a unit becomes available. The Glendale Public Library, next door to GCC Main campus, also provides a short-term hotspot lending program.
Can I keep the hotspot for longer than one semester?
No. Hotspots are due back by a set date at the end of the semester. They cannot be renewed. If you do not return the unit it will be disabled and you will be charged for the loss.
How to connect to a Hotspot
Turn on the Hotspot and the device(s) you wish to connect
Click the menu button until the Wifi name appears on the screen and again for the password
Open the Wifi settings or controls on your device
Find the Hotspot name and enter the password displayed on the Hotspot screen
How secure is a hotspot?
As an open, unsecured wireless network, “Hotspots” are freely and easily accessible and are unsecure. The Service Provider, Glendale Community College and their officials and employees are not responsible for, and cannot be held responsible for any files, data, confidential or personal information accessed, transmitted, lost or damaged as a result of using the hotspot. The hotspot has no filtering and the borrower is responsible for monitoring what minors may access or view while using the hotspot.
Librarian- Christina Bell