This guide was designed to support students enrolled in SBS200 & EPS150, however, others researching this subject might also find the content useful.
- Find industry information -- This tab will provide resources for identifying industry definition and characteristics, size, growth rate, sales projections, trends, forecast, barriers to entry, other.
- Find market analysis information -- This tab will provide resources for identifying market segmentation, target market, target market size and trends, buyer behavior, competitive analysis, competitive intelligence, annual sales, market share, other.
- Find marketing plan information - This tab will provide resources for identifying business advertising and marketing plans.
- Find competitive analysis -- Locate competitors in Phoenix, Arizona.
- Find operations plan information - This tab will provide resources for identifying development and production processes.
- Find financial projections information - This tab will provide resources for identifying current and future financials.
- Find general business planning information - This tab will provide additional library resources for business planning.
- Find open web resources - This tab will provide information on more effective Google searching.
- Find help from a librarian - Find additional library assistance here.
- Find citation assistance - This tab will redirect you to the citation libguide.

Teegardin, K. (2011, Mar 19). Numbers and finance. Retrieved from