ERIC, the Educational Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and resources. This database provides full text of digests along with educational and education-related journals.
Teacher Reference Center provides indexing and abstracts for 280 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators.
Current & controversial issues resource that provides access to 'viewpoint' articles, reference materials, magazines, newspapers, primary sources, statistics, and multimedia on current topics.
Multidisciplinary database with more extensive full text holdings than Academic Search Premier, including over 9,000 full text journals. Includes 459 unique titles (54% of its collection) as compared to current GCC Library databases.
Comprehensive database with nearly 470 full text titles covering topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods.
Provides a source of critical news, information and insightful commentary on the full range of issues concerning diversity in American higher education. (14-day delay due to publisher. Accessed through Gale Academic OneFile database.)
Covers the entire education field from pre-elementary to college levels for school libraries and administrators, superintendents, supervisors and principals. (Accessed through MasterFILE Premier database.)
The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education is an American biweekly magazine which focuses on Hispanic education in institutions of higher learning. It is notable for its annual Top 100 list of colleges and universities awarding degrees to Hispanic students. (Accessed through Proquest database.)
The purpose of this journal is to bridge the gap between theory and practice by providing reflective practitioners a means for publishing articles related to the field. Open Educational Resource (OER)
Browse Print Periodical Collection (In-Library Use Only)